Welcome to my Links page. Everything here, are links that are special to me. 2009 was a horribly sad year for me as it was my year to experience multiple cases of FIP – Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Thank God for the wonderful team of Doctors, Students, and Volunteers at UC DAVIS Center for Companion Animal health. Without them I would have quit my hobby.


SOCK FIP – Save Our Cats & Kittens
Sock FIP (Save Our Cats & Kittens from Feline Infectious Peritonitis) is a Global Consortium of cat lovers, rescue groups, breeders, veterinarians, and geneticists working togehter to raise money for the research into the cuase, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and cure of FIP.

Breed Club

Devon Rex Breed Club
The Devon Rex Breed Club – An international organization affiliated with CFA.


The Cat Fanciers’ Association – CFA
The World’s largest registry of pedigreed cats.


Permarex Devon Rex has a full feature article.